SPIRIT: Happy Hour Conversations on Faith and Sexuality


SPIRIT:  Happy Hour Conversations on Faith and Sexuality

What is SPIRIT? SPIRIT is a virtual happy hour-style discussion group dedicated to helping LGBTQIA+ individuals reframe their relationship with religion. Whether their goal is to reconnect with faith, recover from past spiritual abuse, renounce faith, or just connect with other people, SPIRIT is the group for individuals to explore faith and sexuality. Each Thursday, a spiritual advisor from the region and surrounding areas will guide the group through a discussion about the intersections of faith and sexuality. All walks of faith are welcome. All expressions of identity are welcome.

The precepts of the group are C.A.R.E:

  • Committed to Interfaith Dialogue
  • Affirming full equality for LGBTQ+ persons and families
  • Resistant to any coercive action of proselytizing and conversion
  • Eradicating conversion therapy and dangerous reparative counseling practice.

​If you would like to join our interfaith happy hour group 'SPIRIT!", contact Toby Jenkins​ or call 918-743-4297.