Capture It Photography
Kevin Murphy
Life Happens...Capture It. From traditional to artistic I have been taking pictures since I was a young child and realized that this hobby of mine is also a passion. Photography services for the Tulsa Metro area. If you are outside of the Tulsa Metro feel free to contact me to see what arrangements can be made.

Focused Real Estate Photography
Ania Wiatr, Owner
Focused Real Estate Photography provides real estate photography and media services for Tulsa and surrounding areas. We also work with contractors, developers, interior designers, and landscape architects. Focused Real Estate Photography is proudly owned by LGBTQIA2S+ community member.

Spaulding Designs
7322 E Jasper ST
Tulsa, OK 74115
Dylan Spaulding
As an artist I try to enjoy every medium possible to convey my message. My main passions are photography and graphic design. Photography allows me to capture a moment and share it with others. Graphic design allows me to take ideas or sketches and turn them into a substantial piece that holds it’s own. As an artist the hardest thing is to not live in the past, I continually push myself by learning new techniques as well as different ways to intertwine my passions.
Every photograph or design starts with a basic idea, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem in the beginning. Over time and several influences it evolves into something complete and original. As I mature so does my artwork, my style, and my influences.