Equality Alliances

OKEQ's Equality Alliance seeks to connect people to LGBTQ+ community partners. Through our Equality Alliance, you can find friendly businesses to shop, eat, and find work. You can also find healthcare providers across healthcare fields.

Equality Business Alliance

The Equality Business Alliance exists to strengthen LGBTQ+ welcoming businesses in the Tulsa community by:

  • Providing a directory of LGBTQ+ -welcoming businesses in the Tulsa community;
  • Creating regular networking opportunities with these businesses; and
  • Creating professional environments where gay-welcoming businesses can meet to have their voices heard on important issues that affect how we do business and our quality of life.

Equality Health Alliance

The Equality Health Alliance strives to connect the LGBTQ+ community with friendly healthcare providers. We provide healthcare professionals with training on working with the LGBTQ+ community as well as follow-up support and education on evolving best practices.