MY OKLAHOMA Town Hall Series
Recent bills put forth by Oklahoma legislators have been a direct attack on the LGBT community. Now is the time for us to respond.
Join Oklahomans for Equality for our continuing series MY OKLAHOMA Town Hall meetings to discuss the bills and their possible outcome on your life as an Oklahoman. We can provide talking points and training when discussing these bills with your legislators. Sign up for and discuss coordinated strategic visits to the Oklahoma State Capitol. We will also provide updates on the previous week's visit to the Capitol
Oklahomans for Equality can provide volunteer child care during the meeting for those who need it. Also interpretive services for the deaf and hard of hearing or English as your second language are available upon request. Please email Olivia Cotter to arrange these services.
Remember personal letters and notes, phone calls and a face to face visit with your legislator are the most effective method to engage your elected official.
Click here for the current Legislative Agenda.
Find your local legislator and let them know that these attacks are not acceptable.