The Equality Business Alliance exists to strengthen gay-welcoming businesses in the Tulsa community by:
- Providing a directory of gay-welcoming businesses in the Tulsa community;
- Creating regular networking opportunities with these businesses; and
- Creating professional environments where gay-welcoming businesses can meet to have their voices heard on important issues that affect how we do business and our quality of life.
The Equality Business Alliance fosters a sharing of information, ideas, contacts, products and services, and also strengthens and expands our businesses, careers and our community.
EBA networking mixers are usually the last Thursday of each month 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm. The EBA networking mixers are terrific venues for you to meet prospective clients. Mixers are open to non-members as well as EBA members. Hosting a networking mixer is a great way to showcase your business. You may host at your establishment or use The Equality Center. If you would like to host a mixer, please email EBA for more information.
All EBA Events will be listed on our Event Calendar and Facebook Event Page. Please plan on joining us!
- Inclusion in EBA Merchant & Members listing on Oklahomans for Equality website
- Email updates of all EBA events and opportunities
- Invitation to Networking Events and ability to host
- Marketing opportunities at EBA and community events
Annual Dues Structure and Member Benefits
- $100 Business with less than 25 FTE
- $200 Business with more than 25 FTE
- $ 50 Non-Profit and Government Organizations