Action Resources

All forms of resistance matter and even if you cannot call or speak to your legislator directly, the resources on this page are here to make your voice heard. "According to a 2015 C.M.F. survey of almost two hundred senior congressional staffers, when it comes to influencing a lawmaker’s opinion, personalized e-mails, personalized letters, and editorials in local newspapers all beat out the telephone ... [but sometimes] phone calls are a better way of contacting lawmakers, not because they get taken more seriously but because they take up more time—thereby occupying staff, obstructing business as usual, and attracting media attention." --Kathryn Schultz, The New Yorker

  • Ballotpedia
    Ballotpedia provides information on which legislators currently represent you on the Local, State, and Congressional level. The website will give you names of Senators, Representatives, and Judges in your district but does not provide contact information.
  • Daily Action
    "To join the community, text the word DAILY to the number 228466 (A-C-T-I-O-N). Every morning, you’ll receive a text giving you a simple action to take. It might ask you to watch and share a really good video. Or to text a piece of news to five friends. It might link you to your senator, member of Congress, or another appropriate official for a phone call–one that you can make while you’re walking to the bus stop or brewing your coffee. With a tap of your finger, you can do your part to resist this latest age of extremism in America."
  • Facebook Town Hall
    Facebook Town Hall allows you to contact your legislators through Facebook. It is not considered the most effective way to influence legislators but it is a viable option for those who are uncomfortable making phone calls.
  • Oklahoma State Election Board
    The Oklahoma State Election Board will provide a sample ballot for the most current upcoming election. You only need to provide your name and date of birth to get a ballot based on your voter registration information. The website also lets you check your voter registration status and find the address for your polling place.
  • Resist Bot​
    Resist Bot is an online service that helps to find your local lawmakers and faxes them a personalized message from you. Resist Bot is great for people who do not have a lot of time or for those who are uncomfortable making phone calls.
    Depending on the issue you have selected, 5Calls provides phone numbers for legislators to contact and generates a script to for the phone call.
  • White House Contact List​
    Includes phone numbers and emails for contacting the White House directly.